DAY 1 - Isolation
Make your life stress free

Day 1 Outline
Modern day restorative work and materials relies on dry clean substrates to bond to. This is not possible without adequate isolation.
Throughout this day, we will teach you how to efficiently and effectively isolate as many teeth as required for any particular work you will be doing. This involves live practicing on live models.
Everyday isolation
Ever been stressed because you have one hand is wrestling the tongue, and the other is trying to race against time from saliva slowly saturating the cotton wool and is creeping towards your dry field?
Hate having the rubber dam clamp in your way? Blocking your access? Can’t fully place the matrix tightly against the tooth?
This component o the course, we will cover how to avoid all that. This way the rubber dam is your best friend rather than your enemy.

Complex Subgingival isolation
After mastering the basics of everyday isolation for more simple cases. We will go through the fundamentals of more complex isolation techniques. Often you will find margins of indirect restorations ending up equi-gingival or subgingival. We will walk through via hands on training on teeth models on how to predictably correctly seat the dam and isolate subgingivally.
We will also be covering some specialised clamps designed for specific purposes to isolate deep margins where treatment cannot be completed without them