DAY 3 - Posterior Resin Restorations
Build on your skills and embrace your inner hero
Day 3 Outline
This day we will be taking you through the principles and foundations of good strong direct composite restorations.
These literature-based protocols allow us create long lasting restorations in a simple and effective manner.
The hands on component is focused on good bonding and marginal seals, varying from Deep Margin Elevation (DME) to direct cusp replacement.
The finale of the course
5 hands-on practical exercises on pre-cut model teeth
The Daily Bread and Butter
“There is no point of creating the most beautiful restoration if it was etched, primed, bonded in with saliva and blood”
The posterior direct restoration is one of the most common procedures we do on a daily basis.
We will cover the fundamentals and what will ensure your restoration lasts.
good marginal seal
good bonding protocol
good isolation
But of course, we will also cover on how to make your restoration look good, staining, anatomical layering and bio-emulation.
Complex trickier case
Have you ever felt there are situations where you cannot isolate and matrix the same tooth?
Isolation is the basis of gold standard adhesive dentistry
Here, we will discuss our technique to ensure that in all situations, rubber dam is not the enemy. There will be hands on exercises on restoring with unique matrices under isolation.
The Finale
The ultimate direct restoration challenge. This is a bridge to indirect restorative technique as well.
Deep margins CAN and WILL be isolated by you after learning how to on our course and learning how to save teeth that some might deem unrestorable.
You will be following us on the hands on practical, step by step to ensure a well sealed and long lasting restoration.
We will be helping all our delegates during the practical guiding you through the process.